Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Generation Portfolio

As those of you following me on SeekingAlpha.com know, I have a continuing series of articles published there concerning something I have grandiosely chosen to call the Generation Portfolio. This is an account that I manage for no compensation for certain parties with whom I am not related in a family sense.

I have published the following articles to date about the Generation Portfolio:
I most likely will not keep this page updated. Whenever you read this, there is a strong likelihood that I have added additional articles not listed above.

I have thought a great deal about this, and reached a decision. While there is no need to do this and nobody has asked for it, for purposes of complete transparency, I will this one time show confirmations to date for my opening trades of the Generation Portfolio. They are sans the dollar amounts and identifying information for obvious reasons.

I am not going to post any more of these screenshots - this is it - but I want to give anyone interested "the goods" to show, well, whatever this shows. Unless I made some unintentional error, the entries should match what I posted in my articles.

Generation Portfolio theslayersmarketthoughts.filminspector.com

Generation Portfolio theslayersmarketthoughts.filminspector.com

Generation Portfolio theslayersmarketthoughts.filminspector.com

Generation Portfolio theslayersmarketthoughts.filminspector.com

Don't go by the times, as they are wacky compared to my local time. Not sure what they represent, actually.

The account still has a few minor legacy positions besides Ford Motor Company (F) that show up on the list as paying dividends. I'll probably liquidate them around the time when the market hits new highs, whenever that may be, depending on the price action of those stocks. In any event, they have nothing to do with what I am creating in the Generation Portfolio.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them below. Thank you for stopping by, and be sure to check out my articles on Seeking Alpha!


  1. Great article James, I used the data above to create an infographic on Simply Wall Street. I will try to follow you as you make any updates:


  2. I appreciate your transparency about providing confirmations of opening trades.
